Yup! You read that right! Top shelf margarita lime wedge jello shots! Randall made these for our wedding and they were a BIG hit. They were gone before he and I could even get any. So, I decided to make some for the popup shop we did over the weekend to give out to shoppers, 21 and up of course, and they went over really well! People were so surprised to see how the jello was in lime wedge form.
Also, Cinco de Mayo is Friday!!!! You still have time to make some for your fiesta!!!
Here's how I did it!

What you need:
Makes about 40 wedges.
- 10 limes
- 3/4 cup Tequila- I used el Jimador silver tequila, it was highly recommended by the guy at the liquor store for being smooth and not expensive. I agree it's good stuff!
- 2 tbsp Triple Sec (Optional, we just happened to have a little on hand)
- 2 pks unflavored gelatin
- 1 pk Crystal light margarita mix
- 1/4 cup juice from limes

Step 1.
As shown above, cut both ends off of the lime just enough to make a flat surface without going all the way through. Then cut them in half. See how they sit upright like a little bowl. Very carefully use a sharp paring knife to cut around the inside of the lime and then scoop out the inside with a spoon. This is the trickiest part. The first lime I did, I made the mistake of cutting it in half and then squeezing out the juice. Only to find out that it made for a mushy mess and I couldn't get the guts out. Lesson learned. Once I figured it out it went much more smoothly. Save about a 1/4 cup of the lime juice for your mixture. Add more or less depending on how limey you want it.
Step 2.
In a measuring cup with your lime juice, add water to it to make a 1 cup total mixture. Then add the Crystal Light margarita mix to that. I kind of winged it on the ingredients and portions. You could try any combo of margarita mixes of choice.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Add the fun stuff! Tequila and Triple Sec! Stir. Weeee!
Step 5.
Arrange your little lime bowls in a container of choice as shown below. Then ladle in the good stuff. Carefully place in the fridge and let set. Takes about 4 hours.

Step 6.
After patiently waiting for your little concoction to set. Use a sharp knife to cut the jello shot lime bowls in half to make wedges. I think the only thing I would have done differently is cut the limes lengthwise instead of width to make the wedges longer, but honestly I didn't think about it until I was done. They work either way!
Step 7.

Easy peasy!